Table of Contents

Chapter 10 is available as a sample.

Prologue: The Business Plan

  1. Bump in the Road
  2. Cross the Same River Twice
  3. Postmortem
  4. Awfully Bad Week
  5. The Contraband
  6. Let’s Talk Trash
  7. Dynamic Marketing
  8. Fork in the Road
  9. Helping Hand
  10. The Fatalist
  11. Riding Whitehorse
  12. Meet the Niece
  13. Homeopathic Remedy
  14. Ashes to Ashes
  15. Drop in the River
  16. Clyde Guarantees You
  17. Kicking the Can
  18. Lucky Punch
  19. Four Suitcases
  20. Heavenly Match
  21. MAID Tsunami
  22. Co-authors
  23. FunBite Nibble
  24. FSD Offer
  25. MAID for the Wilderness
  26. June One
  27. Fairchase Ambush
  28. Show Me the Money
  29. FunBite Secret
  30. Hit the Beaches, Burn the Ships
  31. River Styx
  32. Eddie Launch
  33. Turned to Stone
  34. Clark Kent Saves the Day
  35. Larger Than Life
  36. Romeo and Juliet
  37. Blackhat Whitehorse
  38. Faded Poor Souvenirs
  39. Cosmic Butterflies
  40. Sun Tzu Wants You
  41. The Abduction
  42. June Twenty-Nine
  43. Bird on the Wire
  44. Mighty Jupiter
  45. Gumption & Guile
  46. Granny Dunker
  47. Three Out of Four Ain’t Bad
  48. The Game
  49. Three Musketeers
  50. Game On
  51. Yukon Stew
  52. Newsbreak
  53. Meet the Press
  54. Sojourners from Outer Space
  55. The Lone Ranger
  56. Halibut Heaven
  57. Eddie is Polarizing
  58. Get Outta Dodge
  59. Fire Sale
  60. Meriwa’s Photons
  61. A Perfect Finish

Epilogue: Sunset on the Big Sur


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