Book Club Questions for A Perfect Finish
- What laws are essential regarding end-of-life choices?
- It’s unclear whether Steve ever decided what choice he might make for himself. As with most people, why decide early? In which ways did he demonstrate a willingness to support whatever decision others made for themselves without judging them harshly?
- What’s “Perfect”? Who decides? Are we free to decide or does the decision belong to the divine who will judge us harshly?
- What’s “Perfect” for you? Do you prefer not to think about it? Have you chosen to delegate your finish to fate? If someone were to choose differently, would you judge them harshly?
- Would you ever choose to optimize quantity of heartbeats for yourself by compromising quality of life for someone you love? If you were caring for someone, would you ever place them in a nursing home rather than sacrifice your own quality of life? If someone you knew did so, would you judge them harshly?
- When it comes to life, measured in heartbeats, do you want to experience every last one, or have you set a quality of life bar below which the last heartbeats are no longer worth the pain and loss of dignity? If someone you knew chose to check out early, for the benefit of those they love, would you judge them harshly?
Please contact author to suggest additional book club questions.
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