A Perfect Finish Index

Index for A Perfect Finish

The pages numbers in the Index for A Perfect Finish relate to the paperback edition.

The Index includes references to place names as well as other relevant topics and in many places cross references to Riding Logs which were recorded on actual motorcycle trips on the Alaska Highway. I hope it might be helpful for those interested in travelling the ALCAN, researching specific topics, riding the Alaska Highway, or visiting Whitehorse.

The links throughout the Index for A Perfect Finish and the website are color coded as follows:

  • Purple links refer to another page on this site. For example, maybe you would appreciate reading the author’s Riding Logs for the Alaska Highway.
  • Blue links refer to a page on another website. For example: the paperback edition of A Perfect Finish is for sale at Mac’s Fireweed Books in Whitehorse.
  • Orange links refer to an image search result. For example, if you want to see what the cast of A Perfect Finish look like, you could visit the APF Casting Page and check out Ron and Meriwa.
  • Green links refer to a Wikipedia page. For example, maybe you want to learn more about the Klondike Gold Rush.
  • Brown links refer to a YouTube video. For example, maybe you would like see the Miles Canyon Bridge to understand what Steve sees as he is looking down at the river in the River Styx chapter.

The Index for A Perfect Finish includes keywords used commonly in the text, concepts discussed in the book, and is somewhat hierarchical.

If you read A Perfect Finish, hopefully you’ll recognize the picture in the header of this page: our prize high hurdler, Angi, channeling Madam Librarian as seen in  The Music Man.

Topical Index for A Perfect Finish

abduction 190, 192

accidental death (see life insurance)

activity (also see route / trail)

bike / biking (bicycle) 120, 167-8

hike (ing)

  • 1, 12, 54, 70, 101, 103, 113, 120, 142,
  • 167-9, 180-1, 187, 190, 196,
  • 198, 206, 211, 231, 238, 243

kayak (ing) 103, 120, 166-8, 192, 211, 226, 243

T-rescue 166

skydive (ing)

  • 112-3, 115, 124-5, 138, 211,
  • 217, 235, 241, 267, 272

parachute 112-3, 241

surf (er) (ing)

  • 22, 91, 93, 143, 147, 156, 172, 195, 227, 252

Adonis 195

Alamea’s grandmother (see grandmother)

Alamea’s watch 184-5, 214

     Cartier (Tank) 8, 162, 220

Alaska Highway (see route / trail)

Alaska Way (see route / trail)

Alaskan Husky 181, 209

ALCAN (see route / trail)

Alzheimer’s (see cognitively impaired)

Amherst College (see college / university)

angel 79, 184, 200-2, 214, 221

Angelo’s Taverna (see see restaurant / bar / café)

  Alamea’s angel 160, 185

APF Therapy & Spa

  • 121, 161-5, 175, 190, 193, 197-8,
  • 208-9, 222, 228, 244, 256

appetizer (see food / meal)

April first 141, 220

Arctic Char (see food / meal)

Arizona Republic (see news outlet / newspaper)

arm wrestle 156, 173

aspen (see tree)


  • 1, 38, 75, 97, 100-1, 109,
  • 111, 118, 199, 238-41, 269

  Canada’s medical assistance-in-dying law (MAID)

  • 1, 106, 111-5, 128, 134-5, 141, 193,
  • 195, 199, 207, 213-4, 222, 224,
  • 229, 236, 238-41, 256, 269


comet 169, 205, 243

cosmic / cosmos

  • 15, 97, 112, 169, 181, 183, 253, 268

interplanetary 182

meteor 101, 181

outer space 106, 176, 182, 233, 243, 264, 273

photon(s) 265,268

planetarium 23, 90, 101, 253

red giant 181, 215

solar wind(s) 181

universe 169, 181-2, 226, 253

white dwarf 182

Atlin Lake (see lake / bay / sea)

author(s) / expert(s) / quoted

  Byock, Ira Dr  269

  Eliot, TS 178

  Gandi, Mohandas 181-2

  Hirshfield, Jane 178

  Kevorkian, Jack (Dr) 36

  Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth 35

  Machiavelli, Niccolo 218

  Murdoch, Iris 36

  Sun Tzu 186

Autumn Flights (see FunBite)

Baby Kyle Café (see Kyle)

Baked Café (see see restaurant / bar / café)

ballerina-girl 58, 78

Bartlesville OK (see city)

baseball (game)

  • 73, 91, 93, 273

  DiMaggio, Joe 273

  Dinger 45

  Mariners, Seattle 273

  Rockies, Colorado 91, 273

  T-Mobile Park 91, 93

bay (see lake / bay / sea)



  • 27, 47, 134, 137, 233-4, 245, 247, 257, 266-7

  boar (male) 27, 233-4

  cub 27, 234


  • 2, 5-8, 11-12, 14, 21, 24, 27, 30, 47, 50, 55,
  • 79-80, 65, 137, 158, 169, 185-6, 226, 233-4,
  • 245, 247, 257, 266-7, 271-3

  sow (female) 27, 234

bear root (see wildflower)

bearberry (see wildflower)

Beaver Creek YT (see city)

Bering Sea (see lake / bay / sea)

Beth’s grandmother (see grandmother)

Beyond the Sea (see music)

biblically insane 161

Big Sur CA (see city)

bike / biking /bicycle (see route / trail and activity)

bike (motor) (see motorcycle)

Billings MT (see city)

bite(r) / nip 216, 221, 261

biting fly (see fauna)

black bear (see bear)

black spruce (see tree)

Black Street Stairs (see route / trail)

black widow (see fauna)

blackberry (see wildflower)

bliss 160, 233, 244

blue and black (My My, Hey Hey) (see music)

blueberry (see wildflower)

boar (see bear)

Board of Visitors 117

body bag 113-4, 125, 234

bribe 115, 256, 266


    Miles Canyon  12, 141, 151, 167, 197, 204, 270

    Slims River  79

    White River  79

buck moon (see moon)

buffalo (see fauna)

Bullet Hole Bagels (see see restaurant / bar / café)

Burnt Toast Café (see see restaurant / bar / café)

Burwash Landing YT (see city)


  effect 15, 107, 181-2, 231, 260, 268

  insect (see fauna)

Byock, Ira Dr (see author / expert / quoted)

Caffè Umbria (see see restaurant / bar / café)

Calgary AB (see city)

Callisto (see moon)

Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying law (see assistance-in-dying)

cancer 4, 11, 21, 23, 28, 33, 41, 43, 58, 271

Canyon City YT (see city)

Carmel-by-the-Sea CA (see city)

CASA (C-212 Aviocar) 112, 115, 124

Cassiar Mountains (see mountain)

CBC North News (see news outlet / newspaper)


  • 68, 71, 73, 115, 134, 212, 262, 264, 274

Chekhov’s Gun

  Glock 6, 159-160, 225, 246

  gun 5-7, 9-10, 14, 22, 25-28, 41, 80-1, 225-6, 246-8

  pistol 6, 159, 225-228, 246

Chilkoot Pass BC (see city)

chocolate raspberry truffle (see food / meal)

city (by country)


    Beaver Creek YT  79

    Burwash Landing YT  2, 9, 79

    Calgary AB  19-20, 45-6

    Canyon City YT 167

    Chilkoot Pass BC 52, 79, 81

    Coutts AB  46

    Dawson Creek BC 45, 47

    Destruction Bay YT  2, 9, 79

    Edmonton AB 45, 74

    Fort Nelson BC  47

    Haines Junction YT  79-80, 158

    Innisfail AB  46

    Lethbridge AB 46

    Miles Canyon YT

  • 1, 12, 127, 141, 151, 161, 167, 196, 197-9, 204, 208

    Muncho Lake BC  47

    Riverdale YT 167

    Skagway BC 229

    Sylvan Lake AB 46

    Teslin YT 47-8

    Vancouver BC  143, 166, 175-6, 219

    Watson Lake YT  47, 262

     Whitecourt AB  45, 47

    Whitehorse YT

  • 2, 12-3, 21, 26-8, 34, 37, 39, 43, 45-7, 50-2, 54-6, 62,
  • 65-6, 70, 74-5, 80, 88, 90, 95-7, 101, 103-5, 108-111,
  • 114-5, 123-5, 127-8, 132-9, 142-4, 146, 148-9, 152, 154,
  • 160, 166-7, 173, 180, 184, 190, 201-2, 208, 213, 214,
  • 220, 223, 226-9, 232, 235-6, 238-9, 242, 249-50, 252,
  • 257, 260, 265, 267, 273, 275-7


    Tijuana 44

  United States

    Bartlesville OK 46

    Billings MT 45

    Big Sur CA 174, 276-7

    Carmel-by-the-Sea CA 174, 276

    Denver CO

  • 11, 31, 44-45, 66, 71, 89-90, 101,
  • 108, 134, 169, 171, 215, 261, 268, 276

    Fremont IN 276

    Hollywood CA 78, 193, 274

    Homer AK 11, 245, 248-250, 259

    Mineral Bottom UT 166

    New York City NY 38

    North Shore HI

  • 22, 91, 93, 142-3, 156, 252, 258

    Phoenix AZ 180, 190, 198, 207, 212, 218, 230, 236

    Scottsdale AZ 117

    Wasilla AK 11, 13, 50

climate-denier 32, 257

CNN (see news outlet / newspaper)

co-author 100-1

Coachman’s Inn (see hotel)

cocktail umbrella (see fancy-drink)

cognitively impaired 118

Alzheimer’s 32, 36, 116, 240

college / university

  Amherst College 84

  Mount Holyoke College 54, 84

  Yukon University 135, 137

coroner 113, 115, 125, 211, 236

corpse 36, 134, 138, 233

Colorado Rockies (see baseball)

comet (see astronomy)

Confession Bench 168, 173, 187, 258, 260-1

cosmic / cosmos (see astronomy)

Cosmo (dog) 34, 45, 50, 277

Cosmo (magazine) 176

Coutts AB (see city)

cows / milking 38, 153

cranberry (see wildflower)

cricket (see fauna)

crow (bird) (see fauna)

Crow (clan) 60-1, 69, 78, 84, 86, 161, 212, 263

cub (see bear)

curse-of-the-bequeathed 46

Dalai Lama 92-3

Dale (Carnegie) 245, 259

Darth Vader 209, 212

Dawson Creek BC (see city)

debate team 23, 63, 75, 102, 193, 209, 222, 224, 226, 265

dementia (see cognitively impaired)

Denali National Park (see National Park)

Denver CO (see city)

Denver’s Country Club Neighborhood 45

desert gym 120, 173

dessert (see food / meal)

Destruction Bay YT (see city)

devil 72, 76, 83, 184, 200, 214, 220-1

DiMaggio, Joe (see baseball)

Dinger (see baseball)

dinner (see food / meal)

dirt bike (see motorcycle)

Dirty Northern Bastard (see see restaurant / bar / café)

double indemnity (see life insurance)

double-parked / -parking 56, 74

Dream Trail (see route / trail)

drop in the river 65-8, 110, 123, 128, 178, 181, 202, 204, 243, 269

Ducati (see motorcycle)

dustpan of the galaxy 66

Earth (see planet)

Edgewater Hotel

  Whitehorse (see hotel)

  Seattle (see hotel)

Edmonton AB (see city)

Elon 48, 109, 182

elk (see fauna)

Elk Stroganoff (see food / meal)

Eliot, TS (see author / expert / quoted)

Elliot Bay (see lake / bay / sea)

Elliot’s Oyster House (see see restaurant / bar / café)

end-of-life 62, 64, 96, 113, 239-41

Energizer Bunny 144

escarpment 51, 169, 173, 185, 238, 258, 260

Etch-a-Sketch 253

eternity of souls 66

Europa (see moon)


  Iditarod Race 11-3, 50

  Rendezvous Festival 67-8, 110, 129, 220, 274

  Yukon Quest Race 50-1

Fairchase Outfitters (see FunBite)


  cocktail umbrella 18

  Feelin Yo Oats 149-50, 152, 226

  Kimono Remover 148

  skinny paloma 192

  Vesper 175, 189, 264

Fatalist 45, 48


  bear (see bear)

  biting fly 166-7

  black widow  233

buffalo 47

  butterfly 273

  cricket 3, 138

  crow (bird) 174

  elk 47

  hoary marmot 50

  moose 47, 123

  mosquito 5, 166-168, 272

  mule deer 47

  orca  201

  praying mantis 199

  red fox 50

  rock ptarmigan 168

  sand shark 201

Feelin Yo Oats (see fancy-drink)

fireweed (see wildflower)

fish ladder 167-8

flora (see wildflower and tree)

food / meal

  appetizer 200

  dessert 55, 201, 238

    chocolate raspberry truffle 271

    Honey Bunnies 187-8

  dinner 34, 45, 51, 56, 71, 84, 160, 170, 219, 234, 262, 273

    Arctic Char 55, 57

    Elk Stroganoff 55-7, 59

  side dish 188

Fort Nelson BC (see city)

fourth wall, breaking the

  about you and me 100

  more fun than 101, 245

  our own rules 101

  you to infer 101

  communicate your feelings 101

  well, you know 218

Fox News (see news outlet / newspaper)

Fremont IN (see city)

fully self-driving (FSD) 108-9

FunBite / First Nations Business Accelerator of the Yukon Territory

  •  1, 91, 104-6, 109, 127, 129, 132-6, 139, 141, 199, 207, 211,
  • 218, 221-3, 227-229, 232-3, 236, 255, 259-60, 268


     Autumn Flights 223

     Fairchase Outfitters 120, 122, 125

     Whitehorse Web Marketing (WWM) 127, 197, 210, 235

Galaxy Gazette (see news outlet / newspaper)

game, the 214, 215-6, 220

Gandhi, Mohandas (see author / expert / quoted)

Gandhi’s grandmothers (see grandmother)

Glacier National Park (see National Park)

global warming 97

Glock (see Chekhov’s Gun)

Gold Rush Inn (see hotel)

golden-ager 144, 146-7

goodbye 1, 45, 64, 125, 131, 178, 188, 202, 215-6, 251, 269, 272, 274-5

Good Morning America (see news outlet / newspaper)

grandmother(s) 236, 272

  Alamea’s grandmother 29, 32, 38-9

  Beth’s grandmother 118, 236

  Gandhi’s grandmothers 182


  • 35, 37, 137-8, 182-3, 205, 207-8, 226, 
  • 228, 231-2, 243, 255-6, 260

  Meriwa’s grandmother 135

  Steve’s grandmother 15-6, 31, 55, 57, 70, 272

granny (see grandmother)

Great Pacific Garbage Patch (see lake / bay / sea)

Green River (see river)

Green River kayaking (see route / trail)

Greenpeace 32, 108, 180, 257

Grey Mountain (see mountain)

grim reaper 46

grizzly (see bear)

Gucci 202

gun (see Chekhov’s Gun)

guru 91, 1098, 144, 146, 150, 180, 195, 252-3

Haines Junction YT (see city)

Harley-Davidson (see motorcycle)

Harvest Moon (see moon)


  • 1, 5, 22, 31, 70, 91, 142,
  • 174, 240, 251-2, 258-9

heaven 114

hell 46, 81, 177, 180, 185

herpes 251-2, 258

Herschel crater 169

hike / hiking (see activity)

Hirshfield, Jane (see author / expert / quoted)

hoary marmot (see fauna)

Hollywood CA (see city)

Homer AK (see city)

Honey Bunnies (see food / meal)

Hoosier Boy 94, 143, 150, 156, 172



    Coachman’s Inn 276 


    Edgewater Hotel 26, 88, 108, 140, 142


    Edgewater Hotel 50, 88, 110, 120, 130, 155, 159, 270, 273, 275

    Gold Rush Inn 120, 139, 155, 173

    The 98 Hotel 139, 150, 170-1, 173, 214, 226, 251

Hunter’s Moon (see moon)

Husky mix (see Alaskan Husky)

Iditarod Race (see event)

Iditarod Race HQ (see museum / centre / destination)

India 91, 146, 251

Innisfail AB (see city)

interplanetary (see astronomy)

Jolt 145-6

journal (Alamea’s)

  • 9-10, 13, 18, 21-2, 27, 30-1, 38-9,
  • 56, 80, 86, 235, 254, 256

Juneau (dog) 57, 59, 73, 81, 184, 215

Jupiter (see planet)

Kachemak Bay (see lake / bay / sea)


  • 22, 29, 38, 91, 143-144, 147, 160, 172

  pearl necklace 8-9, 202, 214, 220, 273-4

  shoe 4, 25, 71, 80-1, 85, 160, 218, 274, 276

    Prada 72, 80, 85, 160-2, 273, 276

kayak / kayaking (see activity)

Kevorkian, Jack (Dr) (see author / expert / quoted)

Kimono Remover (see fancy-drink)

Kind Café (see see restaurant / bar / café)

kinnikinnick (see wildflower)

kiss / kissing 120, 160, 184, 189, 192, 202, 214, 224, 272

  Kissing Tree 187-188, 261

Klondike Gold Rush 167, 236

Klondike Gold Fields 26, 52, 79, 97

Klondike-flavored mini-dom 60

Klondike Rib & Salmon (see see restaurant / bar / café)

Klondike River Boat (see museum / centre / destination)

Kluane Lake (see lake / bay / sea)

Kluane National Park (see National Park)

Kluane Range (see mountain)

Kwanlin Dun Cultural Center (see museum / centre / destination)

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth (see author / expert / quoted)

Kyle (Alamea’s father)

  • 29, 38, 85-86, 159, 171-2, 174, 177, 277

  Baby Kyle (Ron) 93, 106, 171-2, 244

lake / bay / sea

  Atlin Lake 233

  Bering Sea 66-67, 110, 123, 176, 179, 269

  Elliot Bay 15, 88

  Great Pacific Garbage Patch 31

  Kachemak Bay 249

  Kluane Lake 79

  Marsh Lake 166, 168

  Muncho Lake 47

  Puget Sound 15, 26

  Schwatka Lake 130, 166-168, 204, 211

  Tagish Lake 1, 70, 113, 124, 190, 198, 271

Larger Than Life 48, 54, 166

Law of Large Numbers 48

Lethbridge AB (see city)

Liard River (see river)

lie / lying  55-7, 70, 159

life insurance

  • 28-9, 31, 33, 36, 38, 172, 205, 230, 253-4

  accidental death 29, 255, 253-4

  double indemnity 29, 172, 205, 230, 253

Little Bighorn River (see river)

Little Eddies 91, 144-6, 252

Little Red Corvette (see music)

Logan’s Run 210

Lorenzo’s Pizza & Pasta (see see restaurant / bar / café)

Love prospers (Proverbs 17:9) 8-9, 25, 225, 254

Mac’s Fireweed Books (see shop)

Macbride Museum (see museum / centre / destination)

Machiavelli, Niccolo (see author / expert / quoted)

main course (see food / meal)

MAID (see assistance-in-dying)

Marian the Librarian 73-5, 78, 98, 127, 175, 193, 200, 207, 218

Mariners, Seattle (see baseball)

Mars (see planet)

Mars Bar 175, 209, 235, 272

Marsh Lake (see lake / bay / sea)

Marsh / Schwatka kayaking (see route / trail)

Mercury (see planet)

Meriwa’s grandmother (see grandmother)

meteor (see astronomy)

microdose(ing) 144, 146, 232, 267, 270

Mike’s Harder 66-7, 129

Miles Canyon Bridge (see bridge)

Miles Canyon YT (see city)

Mimas (see moon)

Mineral Bottom UT (see city)

Miner’s Daughter (see see restaurant / bar / café)

Miner’s Landing at Pier 57   26

Miranda (see moon)

moon (by planet)

    Earth – by phase

      Buck 7, 77

      Sturgeon 175

      Harvest 197

Neil Young

      Hunter’s 199

    Jupiter – Galilean

      Callisto 202

      Europa 182, 202, 215


      Mimas 169


      Miranda 101

moonbeam 204, 212, 235

moose (see fauna)

morgue 56, 86, 113-114

mosquito (see fauna)

mother (Meriwa’s)

  • 57, 69-70, 85, 97, 102, 109, 114-5, 135, 159
  • 171, 177, 187, 200, 214, 229, 231, 267


   bike (motor) 2, 3, 48, 79, 214, 262, 274

   dirt bike 172


  • 17, 25, 29-30, 40, 172, 174, 215, 217, 277

  Harley (-Davidson)

  • 3-4, 9-11, 31, 48, 154, 172,
  • 174, 178, 227, 250, 277

    trike / case(s)

  • 2-4, 9-10, 81, 156, 160 , 176,
  • 225, 248, 250, 273-4

Mount Holyoke College (see college / university)

Mount Logan (see mountain)

Mount Lorne (see mountain)


  Cassiar Mountains 47

  Grey Mountain 51, 167-8, 173-174, 188, 270

  Kluane Range 1, 16, 52

  Mount Logan 190

  Mount Lorne 169, 174, 188, 262, 271

  Northern Rockies 47, 73

  Space Mountain 206, 209, 235, 244, 251, 253, 273

Mountie(s) (see Royal Canadian Mounted Police)

mule deer (see fauna)

multi-level-marketing (MLM) 36, 193

Munchkin 31-3, 209, 253-5, 257, 271

Muncho Lake (see lake / bay / sea)

Muncho Lake BC (see city)

Murdoch, Iris (see author / expert / quoted)

museum / centre / destination

  Iditarod Race HQ 11-3, 50

  MacBride Museum 59-60

  •   Sam McGee’s Cabin 60
  •   Telegraph Office 60
  •   World’s Largest Copper Nugget 60, 134

  Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre 60

  Pioneer Cemetery 52, 272

  Shipyards Park 52

  Space Mountain (see mountain)

  Space Needle 219

  SS Klondike River Boat Museum

  • 51, 128, 130-1, 265

 Whitehorse Visitor Centre 201

  Yukon Quest HQ 50-1


  Beyond the Sea 9, 271

  My My, Hey Hey (blue and black) 13, 140

  Little Red Corvette 132

  Space Oddity 255

mushroom (magic, shroom)

  • 91, 104, 140, 144-145,
  • 156, 195-6, 235-6, 241, 251-2

  psilocybin 236, 241

My My, Hey Hey (blue and black) (see music)

mystery of the missing lover 52, 272

National Park(s)

  Denali 11-12

  Glacier 45

  Kluane 124, 169

  Redwood 215

  Saguaro 169

  Yellowstone 45

Neptune (see planet)

New York NY (see city)

New York Times (see news outlet / newspaper)

news outlet / newspaper

  Arizona Republic 191, 197

  CBC North News 221

  CNN 238, 242, 276

  Fox News 235

  Galaxy Gazette 182

  Good Morning America 150

  New York Times 227

  Wall Street Journal 227

  Whitehorse Daily Star 115, 135, 223, 267, 277 

Niagara Falls 211

North Shore HI (see city)

Northern Air 87

northern goldenrod (see wildflower)

Northern Rockies (see mountain)

Oklahoma 6, 15, 19-20, 31, 41, 46, 54, 211

One Mile River Walk (see route / trail)

orca (see fauna)

outer space (see astronomy)

Pacific Coast Highway (see route / trail)

parachute (see activity)

pearl necklace (see Kahului)

pharmaceutically constrained (see cognitively impaired)

Phoenix AZ (see city)

phone (Steve’s)

  • 2, 5, 24, 37, 41, 45, 62, 153, 164, 175-7, 192,
  • 199, 206, 221, 235-6, 243, 246, 249, 263

photon (see astronomy)

Pike Place Market (see shop)

pink blueberry (see wildflower)

Pioneer Cemetery (see museum / centre / destination)

pistol (see Chekhov’s Gun)

planetarium (see astronomy)

planet, by order

    Mercury 181-2, 257

    Venus 181

    Earth 38, 48, 52, 66, 155, 182, 226, 255, 257

    Mars 76

    Jupiter 106, 182, 200, 202, 215

    Saturn 5, 169, 272

    Uranus 101

    Neptune 69

    Pluto 257

Plus Grand Que Nature 47

Pluto (see planet)

poker (face) 18, 78, 125, 276

pool house, Clyde & John’s

  • 56, 87, 91, 108, 140, 219, 228, 252, 265

poser 48

Prada (see Kahului)

praying mantis (see fauna)

pregnant pause(ing)

  • 16, 18, 21, 55, 70, 72, 76, 78, 108, 157-8

prison / jail 27, 39-40, 43, 66, 114, 130, 157, 253, 267

psilocybin (see mushroom)

Puget Sound (see lake / bay / sea)

puppy 12, 50

purple sweetvetch (see wildflower)

Ranger (US Army) 212, 230, 236, 246-7

rat-a-tat-tat 19-20, 89, 261

RCMP (see Royal Canadian Mounted Police)

recover(y) (fee)

  • 124-125, 134, 137-8, 211-2, 223, 227,
  • 232-4, 236, 244, 257, 267 

red fox (see fauna)

red giant (see astronomy)

Redwood National Park (see National Park)

Rendezvous Festival (see event)

restaurant / bar / café


    Angelo’s Taverna 34


    Lorenzo’s Pizza & Pasta 117


    Caffè Umbria 24, 26

    Elliot’s Oyster House 26


    Baked Cafe 60, 65, 150

    Bullet Hole Bagels

  • 120-121, 125, 128, 175, 228, 246-7, 264

    Burnt Toast Café 110 58, 68, 72, 154-5, 177, 265

    Dirty Northern Bastard 170, 273

    Kind Café 199-200, 220

    Klondike Rib & Salmon 54, 57

    Miner’s Daughter 110

    Sheep Camp

  • 120-121

    Wayfarer Oyster House 110 82, 100, 262, 265

right-to-die (laws) 41-42

Rio Grande (see river)

Riverdale YT (see city)


  • 11, 47, 126

  Green 166-7

  Liard 47

  Little Bighorn 45

  Rio Grande 44

  Slims 79

  Styx 141

  Swift 47-48

  Tanana 47

  Teslin 47

  White 2, 79


  • 12, 26, 34, 40, 44-5, 47, 50-2, 62, 65-9, 100-1,
  • 103, 110, 124, 130, 141, 163, 174, 176-9, 181, 186,
  • 188, 194, 196, 201-202, 204, 206, 209, 211, 220,
  • 226, 235-6, 238, 243, 254, 256, 265, 269-271, 274

riverwalk (see route / trail)

road trip (Seattle / Whitehorse) (see route / trail)

rock ptarmigan (see fauna)

Rockies, Colorado (see baseball)

Romeo (& Juliet) 32, 38, 171-172


  • 43, 45, 88

  rose garden

  • 41, 43, 45, 53, 62, 79, 88, 101, 117, 141

  rose perfume (scent) 9, 79, 184, 201, 214

route / trail (also see activity)


    Dream Trail 168


    Black Street Stairs 51, 173, 184-185, 187, 246

    One Mile River Walk 51, 130, 265

    riverwalk 50, 52, 110, 1329, 181, 204, 209, 226

    Secret Rope Trail 169, 185

    Three Mile River Walk 51, 60-1, 184


    Green River 166

    Marsh-Schwatka 166-8

    Whitehorse Rapids 166

  riding / driving

    Alaska Highway 2, 11, 45, 47-48, 79, 85, 96

    Alaska Way (Seattle) 30

    ALCAN 45, 47-48, 79

    Pacific Coast Highway (CA) 174, 215, 217, 276-277

    road trip (Seattle / Whitehorse) 137, 151

    Two Mile Hill 51, 79, 270, 273

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

  • 22, 27, 30, 40, 54-5, 57, 67, 69, 115,
  • 173, 205, 227, 258, 266-7

rugby 63, 143, 193, 224

safe word (uncle) 201, 215, 274

Saguaro National Park (see National Park)

Saks 5th Avenue (see shop)

Sam McGee’s Cabin (see museum / centre / destination)

sand shark (see fauna)

Sandman 208, 210

Saturn (see planet)

Schwatka Lake (see lake / bay / sea)

sea (see lake / bay / sea)

Seattle Mariners (see baseball)

Secret Rope Trail (see route / trail)

Scottsdale (see city)

Sheep Camp Lounge (see see restaurant / bar / café)

Shipyards Park (see museum / centre / destination)

shoe, Kahului’s (see Kahului)


  Mac’s Fireweed Books (Whitehorse) 264

  Pike Place Market (Seattle) 219

  Saks 5th Avenue (Vancouver) 175

  Shroom Shop (Vancouver) 143

  Tattered Cover Book Store (Denver) 45

Shroom Shop (see shop)

shyster(s) 43, 135-6, 139, 233, 249

side dish (see food / meal)

Simon Says 66

siren 48, 202

Six-Million-Dollar-Man 172

Skagway BC (see city)

skinny paloma (see fancy-drink)

skydiving/skydiver (see activity)

Slims River (see river)

Slims River Bridge (see bridge)

soapberry (see wildflower)

sofa (HD) 2, 48


  • 137, 146, 197, 211, 218, 220,
  • 222, 228-9, 231, 233-4, 243, 257

solar wind (see astronomy)


  • 68, 73, 110, 129, 156, 223, 226, 276

sow (see bear)

Space Mountain (see mountain)

Space Needle (see museum / centre / destination)

Space Oddity (see music)

spruce (see tree)

SS Klondike (see museum / centre / destination)


  • 52, 68, 79, 97, 132, 134, 136, 151,
  • 156, 167, 247

Steve’s grandmother (see grandmother)

Sturgeon Moon (see moon)

Styx (see river)

success-fee 138

Sun Tzu (see author / expert / quoted)

surfer / surfing (see activity)

Swift River (see river)

Sylvan Lake AB (see city)

T-Mobile Park (see baseball)

T-rescue (see activity…kayaking)

Tanana River (see river)

Tattered Cover Book Store (see shop)

Tagish Lake (see lake / bay / sea)

Telegraph Office (see museum / centre / destination)

Teslin River (see river)

Teslin YT (see city)

The 98 Hotel (see hotel)

The Price is Right 118

therapist(s) 72, 146-7, 190, 193, 223, 227, 231

Three Mile River Walk (see route / trail)

Tijuana (see city)

trash talk(ing)(er) 31-32, 38, 258


  aspen 3, 80, 167-8, 187

  kissing (see kiss)

  spruce 67-68, 187

      black spruce 10, 80, 176, 187

  white pine 187

trike (see motorcycle)

trip (ping) (mushrooms)

  • 91, 139, 143-7, 156, 195-6, 235-6, 241,
  • 251-2, 256, 267, 270, 275

Two Mile Hill (see route / trail)

uncle (see safe word)

universe (see astronomy)

Uranus (see planet)

urban warfare 186

Vancouver BC (see city)

Venus (see planet)

Vesper (see fancy-drink)

Wall Street Journal (see news outlet / newspaper)

Wasilla AK (see city)

watch (see Alamea’s watch)

Watson Lake YT (see city)

Wayfarer Oyster House (see see restaurant / bar / café)

white dwarf (see astronomy)

White Pass & Yukon Historic Train Station 50-51

white pine (see tree)

White River (see river)

White River Bridge (see bridge)

white wild strawberry (see wildflower)

Whitecourt AB (see city)

Whitehorse Airport 51, 85-7, 124, 155, 190

Whitehorse Daily Star (see news outlet / newspaper)

Whitehorse Flights 137, 213, 235-236

Whitehorse General Hospital 111, 125, 227

Whitehorse rapids kayaking (see route / trail)

Whitehorse Visitor Centre (see museum / centre / destination)

Whitehorse Web Marketing (WWM) (see FunBite)

Whitehorse YT (see city)

Wilderness City 54, 120


  bear root 168

  bearberry 168

  blackberry 168

  blueberry 117, 168

      pink blueberry 168

  cranberry 168

  fireweed 3-4, 60, 80, 266

  kinnikinnick 168

  northern goldenrod 168

  purple sweetvetch 168

  soapberry 168

  white wild strawberry 168


  • 15, 18, 32, 50, 58, 62-63, 100, 110, 121-4,
  • 127-8, 154, 163, 177-8, 180-1, 187, 192, 204,
  • 206, 209, 212, 217, 226, 243-244, 246, 254,
  • 256, 270, 272

Winterlong Haze Junction Ale 82

WKRP 232

Wolf (clan) 60-1, 67, 69, 78, 83, 114, 212, 260

women, not men / only women

  • 1, 34, 36-7, 127, 139, 182, 236, 253, 255, 259

Wonder Woman 85

World’s Largest Copper Nugget (see museum / centre / destination)

Xanax 195-6

Yellowstone National Park (see National Park)

Yukon Gold(s) 55, 169, 171-2, 265

Yukon River (see river)

Yukon Quest HQ (see event)

Yukon Quest HQ (see museum / centre / destination)

Yukon University (see college / university)


  • 113, 124-125, 134, 138, 204,
  • 206, 230, 234, 266-267


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